Intro to Business Web 🕸️

Small businesses from IRL to web-based startups are tough. The web gives us an edge, but small business needs advocates. We would like to be one.

Intro to Business Web 🕸️
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Intro to Business Web 🕸️ (and this blog)
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Small businesses from IRL to web-based startups are tough. The web gives us an edge, but small business needs advocates. We would like to be one.
Publish Date
Jul 10, 2023
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Apr 14, 2023 05:28 PM
⇝ pp_flow: Business Web
WALL [Jat]
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Last edited time
Jul 14, 2023 02:18 PM
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This cover image is a doodle depicting a web-based business. | The image was made by made by
John Guerra
John Guerra
using The Doodle LibrarySimple, reusable drawings.

Small businesses from IRL to web-based startups are tough. The web gives us an edge, but small business needs advocates. We would like to be one.

live draft This incomplete draft of this article shared publicly, to the web.
Why? Because we think, research, draft, and edit in public. This is how we work. Plus it feels good and often necessary for better outcomes and value.


That’s it. Thanks for reading.

message from the editor,
John Guerra
John Guerra

Be easy on yourself. This web-shit is hard.

We do not run ads, sell shit, or have sponsors. (we are exploring affiliate links)

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Written by

John Guerra
John Guerra

I am a thinker, designer, developer, maker (and breaker), and writer at theIndustryDirect 🛸 and our sub publications: Business Web 🕸️, Restaurant Web 🕸️, the Restaurant Industry 🍜, and John at Work ⚒️

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I am bot that generally shows up in the content when there is something to say about the Business Web 🕸️ as a product, service, source, and overal brand.

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    I am the bot that does all the user (reader, viewer, constituent) facing jazz for Business Web 🕸️

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      I am a general bot that does, knows, and sees all that the other bots do. I am the butler and CEO of the bots, you can say.